The Wonders of Whiteboard Videos: Making Things Clear and Fun

Whiteboard Videos


In the big world of videos online, there’s a special kind called Whiteboard Animations. They’re simple drawings that come to life on a white background. These videos are amazing because they make hard stuff easy to understand and keep you interested. Let’s explore why they’re so cool and why you might want to use them.

Keeping It Simple and Clear

Whiteboard videos are like magic markers on a whiteboard. They start with simple drawings that slowly come to life. This makes it easy for you to understand without feeling confused or bored.

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Adding Some Colors

While most whiteboard videos are black and white, sometimes a pop of color can make things even more exciting. Colors help to highlight important stuff and make the video more fun to watch.

The Advertising Battle: Tablets vs. PCs


In the evolving landscape of digital advertising, a fierce battle is underway between two formidable contenders: tablets and PCs. These two platforms offer distinct advantages and challenges for advertisers aiming to capture consumers’ attention. Understanding the dynamics of this competition is crucial for marketers seeking to optimize their ad campaigns and reach their target audiences effectively. 


First, let's look at the major differences between tablet devices and desktop computers

1. Tablets can be taken everywhere: airplanes, buses, waiting rooms, the back seat of a car to entertain children…literally, everywhere.

2. PCs are stationary but have much larger computing power than tablets. If you have some serious computer-based work to do, it is almost imperative that you have access to a desktop computer, a proper keyboard, and a mouse.

3. People consume video much more on a tablet than on a PC. For the average U.S. consumer, they will spend 33 minutes watching videos on their tablet device, as opposed to 22 minutes on their PC. Again, this is largely due to a tablet’s portability: you can stretch out on your couch or your favorite recliner and dial up a movie on Netflix. If you’re viewing a video on your PC, you’ll be perched on your computer chair, your face inches from the large monitor. It is estimated that by 2018, 70% of all digital video viewing will be done on a tablet.

4. PCs generate the most ad revenue. And most websites— except for the very few that require a monthly subscription fee —get all of their revenue from advertising.

Tablets and PCs Battle

And there you have it. Even though the advance of tablet devices such as Apple’s iPad, Microsoft’s Surface, Samsung’s Galaxy, etc. continues to infiltrate the marketplace, the majority of the money made on the internet is coming from PCs. Advertising is the grease that keeps the entire internet running. And most of that grease comes from the PC market.

There are a few reasons for this. A PC’s monitor is much bigger than that of a tablet and hence, it can display much larger and a much higher number of ads. Ads geared for PCs can be as simple as banner ads, as complex as animated video ads, and as annoying as pop-up ads. The ads that appear on a tablet are much smaller in comparison, harder to see, and easier to avoid. The ad revenue from tablets just isn’t there, and won’t be for a long time.

So if you’ve ever wondered why the convenient and portable tablets haven’t completely overtaken the PC market, the reason is ad revenue. Sure, there are a few technical details that a tablet has to compromise on so it can be as small and portable as it is, but remember: it always comes back to the money. Join us at Video Chef, where we’ll help you craft videos that resonate and drive results in today’s ever-evolving digital landscape.

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