Why you think you know what kind of website video you need, and why you are wrong


In the world of online content, assumptions about the type of website video you need can often lead you astray. What you think you know may not align with the reality of your audience’s preferences and your specific goals. This article will challenge those preconceptions, exploring why you might be mistaken about the ideal website video for your needs. It’s time to reevaluate your strategy and discover how the right video content can truly elevate your online presence.

You think you know what kind of website video you need ?

The main goal for any website video is to turn visitors into action takers and bring in revenue

Because it sounds easier than it is done, I want to focus on the specific steps involved in the process of creating web videos from both perspectives – ours as animation producers and yours as a client. In most cases, our clients are business owners and project managers who work on behalf of the businesses they want video for. In both cases these are the people who know what they want, otherwise, they simply wouldn’t be in the position they currently are. This comes in handy as it is easier to work with people who know what they want. But is it so?

Let`s see two examples of our buyers:

The first one is a simple business-to-business relationship. They need a website video done and they want our production company to create it.

The second one is the same business-to-business relationship, just like above, but with a difference. Here a buyer is “the all-knowing person”, who tells us how we should do the video for him.

Excuse me, but this is the same thing as going to a pizza restaurant and telling the cook how to prepare the dish.

Of course, we understand that not all videos are the same. In this case, we are discussing an explanation video for the same purposes.

The difference is in the first example where our client gets the video that does the job for him – converts his visitors into action takers, while in the second example, the client gets the video that doesn’t do the job at all. In other words, the video in the first example will be able to convert viewers into action takers while in the second example, this won’t be the case. Besides that the end video is not serving its purposes, it is also a time-consuming process because of countless emails traveling back and forth, trying to smoothen the communication gap of unconventional video production. It costs us, a website video production company, a lot more because it is expensive and time-consuming to do customized processes and make numerous revisions and corrections directly on the video. Another thing we hate is that the video is not suitable for our portfolio. This means we are losing out the in long term by taking the job.

In the end, your website video doesn’t tell the story, because

  • It is not the product you want to sell. But it is a story,
  • it doesn’t push any emotional buttons because it doesn’t solve any problems that your prospect is in,
  • you don’t show solutions and possibilities to your prospects.

And because your video doesn’t follow a conventional storytelling structure, it just doesn’t make sense for your prospects and they don’t convert. Creating a good explanation video is a science that requires following certain fundamentals. You might like the video that you saw somewhere or your competition has, but that video serves a different purpose than yours. In the end, you receive a poor video where you lost money and we didn’t maximize our animation creativity. Another example of “the all-knowing person” is their scripts. The challenge here is that in most cases these scripts are unprofessionally written and are talking to different segments of potential buyers who are in different phases of their buying process. In this case, we will advise you on how to properly set your sales funnel and what kind of video sequences you should have in case of multiple videos.

Doing this means you would escape overwhelming your prospects with too much information in a short time:

  • Considering the maximum attention span for promo videos is 1-2 min, you would be able to get your videos viewed in full,
  • you would offer a logical flow for your viewers and hence increase the number of conversions at each step.
  • We understand that we each perceive the world around us differently. Not all countries in the world have internet marketing as developed as the leading countries.

We know that you as a client are the KING and we respect that. We just want to keep your ego away from having an awesome website video that your business deserves

The best example here is the one of Henry Ford, who wasn’t familiar in detail with all aspects of car building from a technical point of view. Instead of this, he leverages the best people who have the necessary skills for it. For the same relation and best possible result, we at Video Chef are calling as well. Trust us, we are an animated explanation video production company and this is our field of expertise. We excel in the same way as you do in your business.

We know a thing or two about creating compelling and engaging videos. One of our videos was in the “Top 20 Most Powerful Storytelling Videos of 2013” selection by Visual.ly, the biggest community platform for data visualization. See more at number 13, The Case of Edward Snowden Visualized. Furthermore, since we produce multiple variations of animations, we would suggest what kind of video would work best for your business and hence convert your visitors into action-takers. We believe life at its core is simple and in the same way, we want to display the simplicity of your business. People who want to buy from you are simple too. Contact us for your video quote estimation or free consultation regarding your business video needs. If you already have a script and you are not sure about it, we’ll be happy to review it and pimp it to max. We`ll reply within 1 hour unless we happen to be sleeping–in which case we`ll reply as soon as we wake up.

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